Digital marketing likes to categorise artists by genre.

‘Rosie Genre’ is what I’m going for.


I hope my Kiwi originals will find their place in the world

I wrote my first song in my early teens. 

It was called Christmas Every Day and the gist of it was that the spirit of Christmas shouldn’t be pulled out just annually, for that one single day. 

As I played it to an aunty and a few others, I waited for someone to tell me that they’d heard that tune before – that I’d pinched it from someone else.  When that didn’t happen, I started to realise that the music came from some magical Unknown Place.  And so, I continued to write.

I write and play by ear, so some songs have been lost after they were written, because I forgot how they went!!

Like many, I grew up in state houses and was moved around a lot, attending 14 schools.  Back then, I wore hand-me-down clothes (you know, before it became cool to opp shop)! I was skinny, introverted and serious as a kid – like there was a bit of a hole where a child’s self-confidence ought to have been. 

With time, and some of the best friends a girl could hope for, I started to find my feet and my voice.  Not just to sing – but to speak. To know what I was about, and to grow into the person I am.

If truth be told, I’ve got a lot to be thankful for.


Like a diary, there are songs that give a peek into my life and thoughts. Others are drawn from my observations of the lives, loves and struggles of others. And some are of hope, stupid mistakes and idealisms. 

We are all a work in progress. That gets a mention in some of them too.

  • My debut solo single, ‘human’ was released in 2020 (it had been released previously as part of a compilation album). Written and recorded in 2019 at the NZ Outland Sessions Songwriter Retreat, where a bunch of kind and talented individuals helped in making it what you hear today.

  • Released on Friday 9 July 2021, Blended Blessings.

  • Released on Friday 10 September 2021, Rescue Me.

  • Latest release, January 2022, Lost in Space.

Check out the lyrics


And more from Rosie

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